Handies was founded in 2016 by Aare Sule and Kaspar Triebstok. Today, we will step into our Chief Operating Officer Aare‘s shoes, who takes care of day-to-day administrative and operational functions at Handies.

What is the birth story of Handies?

The idea for Handies came from a problem – it was really expensive and difficult to find a specialist who would help out around the house. As a result, we made a convenient and a safe environment, where small business owners, skilled individuals and end users could meet.
Handies was originally designed to be a medium for construction work, but it grew much bigger. Next to electricians, plumbers and builders, you can also find photographers, designers, content creators, accountants and the list goes on.

How would you describe Handies work culture?

I believe that you need team spirit, smooth cooperation and serious level of willpower, to achieve your goals. In fact, everyone who has ever been involved with Handies, have done their job with enthusiasm and great deal of persistence.
Handies has always tried to do something new and to differ from a typical management culture.
The work culture itself is really cozy. We have a quite small team, so the communication is casual and open. I really enjoy our brainstorming sessions and team events. To sum up, we have a cool team!

If you won 1 million euros, what would you do with it?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but I would invest it in Handies and my family.

Aare Sule