Kaspar Triebstok, co-founder and chief technology officer of Handies, will step up as a mentor at the next Base Camp Hackathon to help give birth to new start-ups and world-saving solutions.

What is Base Camp Hackathon?

Base Camp is an exclusive and competitive 72-hour virtual product-focused hackathon for early-stage startups where you can take your product to the next level and prove to investors that your startup can get the job done in just 3 days! Over the years, it has been the springboard for ambitious early-stage companies, such as Fyma, Snackable, Zitycity, and gathered some of the top experts in the field.


Over the years Garage48 and Superangel have fine-tuned the hackathon to give early-stage startups a maximum boost within a limited amount of time.

  • Garage48 and Superangel have boosted 76 startups over 5 Base Camp hackathons.
  • Our alumni have been able to raise over 18M€.
  • Launched products: Built an app from scratch in 72-hours with 30 positive reviews, built and launched a new B2C product.
  • Moved a step closed to the future: Upgraded autonomous mobility of robot lawnmower, extended virtual reality by creating music using your hand movement.
  • Found clients: Signed 2000€ contract, signed 20 contracts for a B2B product, secured 50 first users, launched and reached 50k people with a Kia Stinger giveaway game.

More information: https://garage48.org/events/base-camp-spring-2021